Big News: Final Sale on the Weekend Dress Collection-Now 30% OFF!

Archive & Sample Sale

Welcome to our Online Sample Collection!

Up to 65% off select items

Because I create and sew all of my own designs and garments, I’m left with samples that cannot be sold at full price. These are made up of prototypes, production samples and one-of-a-kind samples, trial run samples, clothing used for photoshoots, trade shows, or samples containing minor faults/stains, or these pieces may have slight imperfections. Care labels may be missing and size labels may be mislabeled but the clothes are accurately listed by size.

  •  All pieces were only hung in our studio or worn once by a model.
  • Stock is limited to whatever is on display-- there's no "back room" or ability to reorder items at the heavily discounted Archive & Sample prices.
  • Size options on most sample items are limited to samples made for size 2 to 5 year old models. All archived items are unique designs for infants NB to age 12 months.

* Please note, that all sale pieces are final. No further discount. Items bought from our sample collection cannot be returned, exchanged, repaired, or credited *